(3-24-11-9:15 AM)
Ann Louise Bardach Again (pictured ) , with its well studied and tested movie star poses more befitting an actress filmed a scene from a movie, the return of a journalist at a respectable Court, returned to grab the entire session Wednesday in the trial that followed in El Paso, Texas, Luis Posada Carriles, another day delaying the presentation of a defense witness Roberto Hernández del Llano, announced by New Action.
The journalist took the stand first thing and what is expected to last for at most an hour, lasted throughout the session, in which he defended Bardach of the questions of defense, with mentions of things that nothing had to do with the case, as when he mentioned the accusations made against the Florida Republican Representative David Rivera and said that a sister of Luis Posada Carriles was accused Army Col. Castro.
Tomorrow is expected to return to the podium and Bardach finished his appearance, which would give an opportunity for the defense to present, at last, to witness Hernández del Llano. Everything of course depends on how far the rope will last you your acting skills to the journalist and writer who is making the most of the publicity gained for future books and articles by these submissions to the court.
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