(3-24 -11-5:00 PM)
By Alfonso USSI
But do not do to a Christian church, a Catholic chapel, because nobody will respond with dirt and violence. This is not the history of the Church but the current reality. Of course a part of the history of the Church is led by intolerance and violence. But today is the support of Christian humanism, the rights and freedoms of human beings, the understanding of pacifism. Moreover, a considerable proportion of liberal dogmas are inspired by the humanitarian actions of the Church. is very easy to hurt the Christians. Respond
praying. It has been shown in the Mass of the college chapel Somosaguas. These young people who vex and humiliate and destroy the harmony of sacred places are hardly original. And even less brave. Look back and see the churches of Madrid fire, images of Christ and the Virgin gunned down and mutilated, desecrated the shrines and art treasures destroyed or missing after the looting.
If you like lead, or take revenge on those who believe, or make fun of God that are the rationale for their existence, and desnúdense go in the mosque of the M-30. Do it in the light of day, and in moments of prayer. Go, desnúdense and run, because Islam does not recommend turning the other cheek when the first has been slapped by the perversity. Also happens that the mosque of the M-30 in Madrid, and subject to English law, also largely inspired by Christian thought. Sean bravest girls messed up in the chapel of Somosaguas and travel to a Muslim nation. Iran, for example. Make tourism, and when they feel encouraged, to attend any of their mosques, you will not find there Catholic churches, "and remove your clothes. Go and desnúdense . shows off her tits and western white in the eyes of believers in Allah without prudence. And spread. In this situation, really run, at full speed because of being intercepted would experience the delicious death that the Alliance of Civilizations reserves adulterous women, or indecent, or simply critical of Islam. I no longer teach more tits, because they are buried just before being stoned. Or keep covered for life in prison foul where there is hope. desecrate a Catholic church in Spain has no merit. already be profane. The most that can happen is that the desecrators Berzosa warn them that to continue so they could stop a subject. A dire warning, injustísimo punishment. Not here, desecration of churches brave students and offenders against the faith of millions of English. Here show tits and proceed to fornication next to an altar is a matter of undress and give the wiggle. More interesting outweigh the risk.
Only the risk of challenging the forbidden clean the dirt of an action. Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Saudi Arabia will expected. Go, desnúdense and run. I recommend you bring skates to slide faster on the marbles of the places of Allah and Mohammed. They are in the eleventh century and do not understand the sit-down before the attack and offering the other cheek. But if you want to travel, back to the top. A mosque in the M-30 in Madrid. Go, desnúdense, teach her tits and run. The it to reach the house of the Rector Berzosa be considered very lucky.
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