now up to the PEOPLE!
(3-22-11-5:00 PM)
By Claudio Reyes. -
I want to be brief so as not to get tired a lot, because that song still sounds barricade by some parts of the world and the worst case is that there are still imbeciles or mental wands believe the story and even life for the leaders who spend down there, in the Southern Cone, good to be right where you want any, look at Gaddafi not loose the pacifier but he burned his nose.
Taking a holiday trip, I had the opportunity to see the poster that accompanies this note and I put the little hair I have left on end, I wondered how it is possible that in the XXI century there are people who are created in this tripe? Sadly so or so, as I said a Miami TV character, Mammy. It's really incredible that human brains trigger the diarrhea linguistic and stupid, knowing and living the reality of it is the people whose turn it is to pay with slaughter and needs all these socialist revolutions, is the people who play starve low wages, poor clothing, poor health care and the worst: it is the people whose turn it is to lose freedom and become beggars relatives abroad.
I would say as they are doing the Arabs in the Muslim world and so complicated, now it is the people!, Now is the time to pay a price in blood and pain conquest true democracy and real freedom!, Now it's up to people to choose their destiny!, now is when the bosses and enriched revolutionary leaders must surrender or die in front of the people that betrayed!, now it is accountable to the people!
now up to the people! I should say, the Cuban opposition, but still bowed, quiet, motionless, like sleeping or waiting for weaving hopeful savior of his dreams and then undo the fabric to keep hope alive. Hope that one day comes that savior of dreams, hopefully to appear soon light to move to say now up to the people! Envy kills us when we see images of men and women face the tyrants, we jump the heart with memories of times past, when the Cuban said now up to the people! And regardless of the consequences Redeemer raised his fist against the vile tyrant, imprisoned, killed, executed, exiled, missing and over was the price, but nobody can say we did not say now up to the people!
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